Finding customers as a service provider - Effective tips

Discover effective strategies to successfully attract new customers as a service provider and strengthen your online presence.

8 min

Andreas Depner

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Start acquiring new customers now

Start acquiring new customers now

Table of contents

The search for service providers presents many companies with major challenges. It is not just about winning orders; it is about continuously expanding the customer base and becoming independent of existing customers. Customer acquisition service providers require targeted strategies and measures that lead to success both online and offline. A strong online presence is just as crucial as proven customer acquisition strategies that help service providers identify new customers and retain them in the long strategy in an engaging and dynamic way.

Important findings

  • Defining a clear target group is the first step towards successful customer acquisition.

  • By establishing a strong online presence, service providers can be better perceived.

  • Individually tailored offers increase customer loyalty.

  • Continuous adaptation and development of customer acquisition strategies are essential for sustainable growth.

  • The use of modern sales technologies can make customer acquisition much more efficient.

Target group definition as the cornerstone of customer acquisition

The targeted definition of the target group is a decisive factor for the success of marketing strategies. Targeting the specific needs of potential clients is essential to stay ahead of the competition and increase online visibility. MarketingOS from MORE supports service providers in effectively filling their lead pipeline and reducing their dependence on existing customers. Target group definition enables targeted customer approaches that contribute to sustainable business growth.

The importance of the target group in the business plan

The definition of the target group plays an important role in the business plan. It not only influences advertising measures and product development, but is also crucial for long-term success and positioning on the market. The fundamental analysis and sharpening of the customer profile enable service providers to tailor their offers and communication strategies precisely to the core target group.

B2B vs. B2C: Different strategies for service providers

The methods of customer acquisition vary depending on whether a service provider focuses on business customers (B2B) or private individuals (B2C). While B2B requires more intensive advice and individual service, B2C focuses more on broad-based marketing and emotionally appealing communication.

Sharpen customer profile and optimize offers

The development of a detailed customer profile is essential for the alignment of service offerings. Not only can it be used to reach the target group more effectively, but it also allows the company to optimize offers and thus increase sales. This essential work forms the basis for increasing online visibility and customer acquisition.

Finding customers as a service provider: practical tips for customer acquisition

The search for service providers is a continuous process that requires a strategic approach and the implementation of tried and tested methods. Through targeted marketing, service providers gain new and high-revenue customers, which results in long-term growth and a strong market presence. An important building block here is MORE's MarketingOS, which effectively fills the lead pipeline with high-quality leads and enables independence from existing customers.

The following are tried-and-tested tips to help service providers acquire new customers:

  • An in-depth analysis of customer needs forms the basis for customized service offerings.

  • The effective use of all communication channels helps to reach the right target group and communicate in an appealing way.

  • Networking and actively obtaining recommendations from existing customers can open the door to new business relationships.

Lead generation is an essential aspect of being able to survive on the market as a service provider. Customer acquisition strategies form a sound basis for effectively arousing the interest of potential customers. A particular focus is on the continuous optimization of customer acquisition processes in order to ensure long-term success.

The consistent development of contacts and networks also offers great potential for acquiring new customers and consolidating a strong position in the competitive environment. This is achieved through a targeted presence at networking events, trade fairs and via social media. Finally, close cooperation with existing customers should not be underestimated, as a high level of customer satisfaction forms the basis for recommendations and thus for the acquisition of new projects.

  1. Actively use networking events

  2. Using social media for referral marketing

  3. Maintain existing customer relationships for up- and cross-selling

Initial contact and communication as the basis for long-term customer relationships

Building a long-term customer relationship begins with a successful initial contact. The way in which this initial contact is structured is crucial for establishing trust and further cooperation between the service provider and customer. Professional behavior and personal and honest communication are essential here.

Time is a precious commodity - both for the service provider and for the potential customer. It is therefore important to take enough time for the initial contact without rushing the customer. This not only shows appreciation, but also leaves room for a comprehensive presentation of your own customer acquisition strategies.

  • Emphasize the relevance of the initial contact for future collaboration

  • Building trust through transparent and open communication

  • Putting the customer at the center of customer acquisition strategies from the outset

MORE's MarketingOS provides valuable support here by filling the lead pipeline with high-quality leads in a targeted manner, thus creating the basis for successful customer acquisition. An individually tailored marketing concept not only acquires new customers, but also makes it possible to optimally tailor service offers to individual customers and thus promote long-term partnerships.

An initial contact that is characterized by thoughtfulness and professionalism thus lays the foundation for a long-term customer relationship and is a driver for sustainable success in the service sector.

Highlight unique selling points

In a market littered with service providers, attracting the attention of potential customers can be a real challenge. More than ever, it's crucial to stand out with clear unique selling points. MORE's MarketingOS is a powerful tool that helps service companies develop their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and communicate it clearly to the competition.

Develop the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The development of a unique selling proposition is an essential step in differentiating from the competition. Service providers are therefore required to identify the features that make their offering unique. To do this, they need to understand what makes their service special and how they can fulfill the customer's needs better than other providers.

Communicate advantages over the competition

Precise communication of your own competitive advantages is essential in order to stand out from the crowd. It's not just about communicating what you offer, but rather why your offer is the better one. Targeted argumentation and convincing messages are more likely to persuade potential customers to opt for your service.

  1. Identification of your unique selling proposition

  2. Creating emotional loyalty by communicating the USP

  3. Regular review and adjustment of unique selling points

  • Service quality: Emphasize the excellence of your customer service as a differentiating factor.

  • Innovative strength: Using current trends and technological advances to position ourselves as a leading provider.

  • Sustainability: Emphasize ecological and social responsibility as part of the corporate philosophy.

With a clear Unique Selling Proposition that not only communicates what you do, but also demonstrates the added value you offer, your company will become a sought-after partner in your field. MORE's MarketingOS creates a platform that allows you to fill the lead pipeline with quality contacts and effectively leverage your carefully crafted unique selling proposition to position your business for growth and success.

Using digital marketing to acquire customers

A strong online presence and targeted digital marketing have become indispensable in today's digital world. They enable service providers to effectively draw attention to themselves and significantly increase their reach. Search engine optimization plays a key role in improving online visibility and attracting potential customers.

MarketingOS from MORE supports service providers in developing a digital marketing strategy that is tailored to their exact needs. It's about sharing relevant content, increasing interaction on social media and filling the lead pipeline with quality contacts through precise online advertising. In this way, service providers can grow sustainably and build a broader customer base.

  • Efficient use of social media to increase brand awareness

  • Creation and distribution of valuable content that appeals to the target group

  • Use of Google Ads and other online advertising measures to increase visibility

The above tactics are an integral part of a holistic search engine optimization strategy that ensures service providers are found more easily online. This results in a direct connection to new customers who are looking for the solutions and services offered.

Implementing a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy enables an increased online presence and a significant advantage over the competition. By using the right tools and techniques, customer acquisition becomes a measurable and scalable process.

Effective online visibility through search engine optimization

The ability to be seen in the digital age can be critical to a company's success. Search engine optimization is a core component of getting noticed as a service provider on the Internet and attracting new customers. The selection and use of relevant keywords plays a central role in this. In addition, sophisticated content marketing strategies and the generation of backlinks increase visibility and strengthen the positioning in search engines.

Keywords and SEO strategies for service providers

Service providers need to think strategically when it comes to choosing relevant keywords. Here, MORE's MarketingOS helps to identify the right terms for an optimized target group approach. The keywords should always reflect the services offered and take into account the search behavior of potential customers.

The power of content marketing and backlinks

Content is and remains king. High-quality content that not only informs users but also entertains them and inspires them to take action is essential for successful content marketing efforts. By creating backlinks between topic-relevant content, the authority of a page can be increased and thus the chance of being ranked higher in the search results.

Mobile optimization and user experience

In addition to the content, the technical performance of the website is crucial for mobile optimization and therefore for the user experience. Websites that are not optimized for mobile devices quickly lose users and potential customers. To ensure a high level of user-friendliness, responsive design and fast loading times should be a top priority.

With a well-thought-out SEO concept that includes the use of relevant keywords, content marketing and technical optimizations, your online presence can be significantly increased. MORE's MarketingOS is an indispensable partner here, helping to fill your lead pipeline with more and better leads and making you independent of existing customers. This enables your company to generate new growth and establish itself on the market in the long term.

Networking and recommendations as a growth driver

Networking and strategically structured referral marketing are more than just buzzwords in today's business world - they are the foundation for sustainable customer loyalty and therefore for the growth of service companies. The digitalized economy requires new, efficient ways of acquiring customers, in which personal contacts and recommendations play a key role.

Making contacts at events

One of the most effective ways to expand a professional network is to attend industry events, conferences and trade shows. This is where decision-makers and potential customers meet - an ideal opportunity to make a first impression and establish valuable contacts. Through face-to-face interaction, service providers can demonstrate their skills and gain valuable insights into market trends and customer needs.

The following points should be considered when networking at events:

  • Target group-oriented selection of events

  • Preparation of a convincing company presentation

  • Actively approaching other participants and exchanging contact details

Development of referral marketing

Referral marketing has established itself as one of the most trustworthy forms of customer acquisition. Satisfied customers who report on their positive experiences serve as credible ambassadors for a company. It is therefore important to satisfy existing customers so that they are happy to recommend you to others. A strategic approach to building referral marketing includes:

  • Request from satisfied customers to leave reviews

  • Implementation of a bonus program for successful recommendations

  • Continuous communication with the customer base to maintain relationships

MarketingOS. from MORE. fills your lead pipeline with more and better leads and finally makes you independent of existing customers. Through targeted marketing, you can acquire new and high-revenue customers and enable your company to grow securely and sustainably.

Sales technologies and sales intelligence tools

The digitalization of sales has led to a revolution in the methods used to acquire and maintain customers. Sales technologies and sales intelligence tools are now indispensable elements for building and maintaining lasting and profitable customer relationships. By analyzing and using big data, companies can significantly increase the efficiency of their sales processes and respond better to the wishes and requirements of their customers.

Sales intelligence tools such as Cognism or HubSpot not only help to obtain a comprehensive overview of the market, but also to gain deeper insights into the behavior of individual prospects and customers. These systems record behaviors and preferences and enable sales teams to keep their approach and offers up-to-date and targeted.

  • Identification of purchase signals and interests of target customers

  • Creation of precise customer profiles for personalized marketing campaigns

  • Automation of recurring sales processes to optimize capacity

The integration of sales technologies into day-to-day business processes not only ensures a more efficient organization of sales, but also creates competitive advantages through higher customer satisfaction and better tailored offers. Innovative sales technologies make it possible to react quickly to changes in customer behavior, thereby increasing loyalty and commitment.

  1. Automatic lead qualification and prioritization

  2. Personalized email marketing based on user interactions

  3. Expansion of the customer base through targeted acquisition strategies

MORE's MarketingOS fills your lead pipeline with high-quality leads and supports the independence of existing customers. New and high-revenue customers can be acquired through targeted marketing to enable your company to grow securely and sustainably.

Value propositions and customer-oriented solutions

Successful service providers always focus on value-creating and customer-oriented solutions. In a world where products and services are becoming increasingly homogeneous, customized value propositions make the difference and ensure long-lasting customer loyalty. MORE's MarketingOS is designed to optimize your offering so that it is precisely tailored to the needs of your customers.

Understanding the individual needs of customers

Knowing the specific requirements and wishes of your target customers forms the basis for developing value propositions that are truly convincing. Service providers who focus on this have an increased chance of building sustainable relationships with their customers and retaining them in the long term.

Customer loyalty through customized offers

Creating customized solutions that offer real added value is a decisive factor for customer loyalty. An offering that solves the exact problems the customer is facing builds trust and loyalty to the service provider. By focusing on a service-oriented service, you can create compelling experiences that lead to repeat purchases and positive referrals.

  • Show understanding for the customer's individual situation

  • Developing targeted solutions that make customers' everyday lives easier

  • Create value propositions that offer customers long-term benefits

A detailed understanding of customer needs enables you to continuously improve your value proposition and establish your company in the market with customer-oriented solutions. This not only leads to higher customer satisfaction, but also promotes solid business growth free from dependence on individual existing customers. Rely on MarketingOS from MORE to efficiently fill your lead pipeline with quality contacts and strengthen your position as a service provider with outstanding value propositions.


Effective customer acquisition is more than just a business snapshot - it is the cornerstone of ongoing success and sustainable growth for service providers. By consistently applying the strategies and practices outlined in this article, companies can strengthen their market position and systematically expand their customer base. MORE's MarketingOS is instrumental in continuously supplying the lead pipeline with high-quality contacts and ensuring independence from individual key accounts.

Individual solutions that are precisely tailored to customer needs serve as key elements for building a robust customer relationship. By clearly defining the target group, sharpening the customer profile and highlighting unique selling points, service providers can stand out in the dynamic market and continuously win new customers.

Digitalization and the use of sales technologies create additional synergies that optimize the sales process and maximize the effectiveness of the customer approach. By using advanced tools and providing valuable offers, service providers legitimize their expertise and set the course for a successful future. In this way, customer acquisition success becomes an integral part of your sustainable growth strategy and paves the way for further expansion and prosperity.


How can I find new customers as a service provider?

Use a combination of precise target group definition, effective marketing strategies such as digital marketing and search engine optimization, as well as building a strong network. Also develop a clear understanding of your unique selling proposition to differentiate yourself from the competition.

What is target group definition and why is it important?

Target group definition is the identification and analysis of the specific group of people who are potential customers. It is important because it allows marketing measures to be used in a targeted manner to increase online visibility and better meet the needs of customers.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C marketing for service providers?

B2B (business-to-business) marketing is aimed at other companies, while B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing is aimed directly at end consumers. The strategies differ in terms of communication, sales approaches and decision-making processes.

How do I successfully make initial contact with potential customers?

The initial contact should be professional and personal. Show a genuine interest in the customer's needs, avoid time pressure and present your service as a solution to an existing problem.

How can I communicate my unique selling points as a service provider?

Develop a clear understanding of your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and communicate it specifically in your advertising, on your website and in personal conversations to differentiate yourself from the competition.

To what extent is digital marketing important for customer acquisition?

Digital marketing increases online presence and visibility, enables targeted advertising campaigns, facilitates customer interaction and contributes to lead generation through various online channels.

How important is search engine optimization for service providers?

Very important. Search engine optimization improves the ranking in search results, increases visibility and the likelihood that potential customers will find your offers. This includes the use of relevant keywords, content marketing and an optimized mobile presence.

What role does networking play in customer acquisition?

Networking is crucial for building and maintaining contacts, which can lead to customer acquisition through personal recommendations. Events and social networks provide platforms to expand your network and build trust.

How can sales technologies and sales intelligence tools contribute to customer acquisition?

These tools provide valuable insights into the market and enable personalized sales approaches. By analyzing customer data, specific needs can be identified and the approach adapted accordingly.

Why are customized offers important for customer loyalty?

Individually tailored offers show customers that their specific needs are understood and taken into account. This not only improves customer satisfaction, but also increases the likelihood of repeat business and recommendations.

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We work for medium-sized IT service providers, software companies and system houses with an annual turnover of 5 million euros or more.

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We work for medium-sized IT service providers, software companies and system houses with an annual turnover of 5 million euros or more.

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In our free consultation, we offer you a holistic analysis of your current marketing strategies. We identify untapped potential and develop customized solutions to make your company truly successful.

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We take care of your marketing and help you acquire new customers

In our free consultation, we offer you a holistic analysis of your current marketing strategies. We identify untapped potential and develop customized solutions to make your company truly successful.